Friday, April 20, 2012

Outdated before it came out?!

Yesterday my father told me something that really did not make sense to me at that time.

Father: "Tammy, your Kindle is outdated"

Tammy: "What are you talking about?"

Father: "You bought something that was outdated even before it came out"

Yeah, that was me after a 15 minute discussion.

So, because I could not win the argument stating how wrong he was, I had to find out for myself, and after reading about a couple dozen articles on how the Kindle has practically become obsolete, I mean with all those Tablets coming out every six months and new Android phones coming in every 3, with their nifty new technology advances, why of course it is outdated!.

But to me, the Kindle is just Packed with the necessarily tools to be used as an E-READER. Why would I spend $800 in a tablet that will do just the same, in addition to playing movies, music, web surfing, game playing and 10,000 other fun things. Which all would simply distract me from the one small reason why I decided to buy this $79 gadget, instead of the $199 Kindle Fire... to READ. Plain and simple. I wanted free from all distracting activities (for that, I have my Android!) that would interfere with this little hobby that I've decided to pick up. 

So having said that, to me the Kindle is just right the way it is.

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