Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 3 Films - 10 day you challenge

I don't know about you, but I could spend an entire day watching movies. I am a very versatile person. I watch from action, to drama, to war, to foreign genres. Anything that has either a good story, a good laugh, or a good move.

The Last Samurai has become one of my most resent favorites. I am sure many of you have seen it, and would love to read your thoughts on it. This is a film where every little detail of it was built with passion and strength. The story captivated my attention from the very beginning, and watching how hope, determination and discipline freed one lost man and an entire civilization from the tyranny of  a "better world" vision, did put me on the edge of my seat. This movie has it all, drama, suspense, romance, action, and an amazing story behind it. I definitively cried at the end. Loved it.

The Notebook is definitively my most favorite love story of all. It has this amazing story about how love can conquer all and live past the roughness of time. Also, Rachel McAdams is one of my fav. actresses, I've seen almost all of her films and have enjoyed her performance.

Inception (2010) is one of those movies that really captured my complete and total attention from the very beggining. The directors idea is a completely fresh view on the topic. I remember "Being John Malkovich" about a puppeteer finding a portal into J.M. mind. That was very interesting yet limited, but Inception has unlimited possibilities of evolving into something much bigger. Now, the question to those of you that have seen this movie (and those who have not I really truly recommend you watch it), please tell me what do you think happened to Cobb, was he stuck in limbo? Or did he go back home?

In addition to this, I find that Leo has come so far since the making of Titanic. He has grown from a teen heart-throb into a leading man, because of this he has won over my admiration for his current work.


  1. Ah the notebook is so good! I loved it!! I love that scene in the rain, that is totally something I could play over and over!!

  2. I saw every one of those movies least favorite was Inception..too much unnecessary violence..I am a boring chick flick type...same plot, different actors.
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. Awesome, love chick flicks! never bores me! What are some of your favorites?

      Thanks so much for following, will definitively be following back!

  3. I'll have to check out The Last Samurai, and I've been dying to watch Inception but haven't gotten the chance yet. Nice choices :)

    1. Let me know what your thoughts after watching!

  4. I love your reviews! I found you from blog hops! I subscribed!
    Follow my blog? I'm a new blogger!

    1. Hello Serena, thanks so much for following, I just subscribed to yours. Definitively looking forward to those new fashion trends!
